01 July 2006

10 years...

Over the past few months, I've been hearing more and more people mention Zillow.com when discussing current home prices and trends. I was on the website again today, and while most of the data for our area is incomplete or entirely inaccurate (DO NOT rely on Zillow.com for specific home values on the Coast), I did find some interesting historical data showing how well real estate has treated us here in California - and Bodega Bay in particular. I haven't confirmed the data but the general numbers add up.

Here's what was shown over the past 10 years (percent growth):
ZIP 94923: 306.0% (15.0% annualized)
Bodega Bay: 301.2% (14.9% annualized)
Sonoma County: 240.6% (13.0% annualized)
California: 269.8% (14.0% annualized)
United States: 108.5% (7.6% annualized)

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