29 July 2010

Fannie & Freddie Threaten SoCo Energy Independence Program

The 18-month old program that allows homeowners increase the efficiency of their home (like high efficiency heaters, solar panels, insulation, etc.) and finance the cost through the County is being threatened by the agency that oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

In my opinion, this organization misunderstands the program and potential benefits that these organizations may realize should they fully support it.

Although the cost of the improvements is attached to (and paid back through) the annual property taxes, the increased value of the home should more than cover any increased risk of foreclosure. Spreading the cost of the improvements over a 20-year period helps minimize that risk and reduces the cost of ownership through lower energy bills. And that's the whole point, isn't it?

Here's an article from NPR that summarizes the current situation.

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